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Posts mit dem Label PostgreSQL werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Montag, 9. Dezember 2013

PostgreSQL Replication, Zoltan Böszörmenyi and Hans-Jürgen Schönig, ISBN 978-1-84951-672-3

A short review

The book starts out by taking a cursory look at the theoretical foundations of database replication like the impact of communication delays caused by physical distance among other things. This is followed by a detailed introduction of the different types of replication, in particular of synchronous and asynchronous replication and sharding.

Continuing on with an in depth look into the technical intrinsics of PostgreSQL, the author explains clearly the technology behind WAL and thus the technical foundation of the replication solutions that already come with PostgreSQL, namely PITR and streaming replication.

Hands on guides to aide in the actual setup of the various solutions coupled with solutions to common setup problems round off the topic.
Monitoring and high availability aspects, so important for real life applications, are also covered.

The final chapters cover additional systems for replication and sharding that are not themselves part of the PostgreSQL software distribution, such as pgbounce, pgpool, Slony, Skytools and PL/Proxy.

The book is suitable both beginners wanting to start out with a well explained in-depth look into the workings of WAL/PostgreSQL as well as experienced database administrators looking to verify their existing setups and to get pointers for further optimizations.

Regards, Andreas

Freitag, 9. März 2012

Linux New Media Awards 2012

Our PostgreSQL got the Award in the category "Best Open Source Database Solution".

Here a link, in german: Linux New Media Awards 2012

Thanks to all users of PostgreSQL!

(and thanks to internet24)

Greetings to the worldwide community behind PostgreSQL! Yes!

Regards, Andreas 'akretschmer' Kretschmer

Montag, 15. März 2010

PostgreSQL @ LinuxDays Chemnitz

Hi all,

I'm back from Chemnitz, the german PG User Group was there with a booth, a workshop (performance tuning) and a talk about the upcoming 9.0-features.

The workshop and the talk was given by ads, so i think, he will write a blog-posting too. But i can say there was a LOT of attendees to listen his talk.

From my point of view i can say it was a success, many people comes to us and ask us 'how can we migrate from database XYZ to PostgreSQL?'. Great!

And yes, we had also a LOT of happy pg-users and we had heard much positive stories about PG.

But one disadvantage with PG comes up, particular in a hosting environment: every user can see all databases. I had heard that more than once, maybe we should think about a switch in postgresql.conf to disable this.


Mittwoch, 10. Februar 2010

JOIN REMOVAL - a short performance test

As i said yesterday, I'm back from FOSDEM where I have learned a LOT about our new version 9.0. For instance: join removal.


- Implement "join removal" for cases where the inner side of a left
  join is unique and is not referenced above the join.  In this case
  the inner side doesn't affect the query result and can be thrown
  away entirely.  Although perhaps nobody would ever write such a
  thing by hand, it's a reasonably common case in machine-generated

(copied from PostgreSQL Weekly News - September 20 2009)

Let's make a short performance test:

First I have created 2 tables:

test=# \d table_a
    Table "public.table_a"
 Column |  Type   | Modifiers
 id     | integer | not null
 value  | text    |
    "table_a_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)

test=# \d table_b
    Table "public.table_b"
 Column |  Type   | Modifiers
 id     | integer |
 value  | text    |

Let me populate this 2 tables, using another nice new feature: writeable CTE:

test=# with a as 
          (insert into table_a select s, md5(s::text) from generate_series(0,250000) s returning *), 
     b as                                                                                            
          (insert into table_b select id, md5(value) from a where substring(value,1,1) between '0' and '9') 
select true;                                                                                                
(1 row)                                                                                                     

Writeable CTE is a nice feature, isn't it? I love it ;-)

Okay. Now i have 2 populated tables. I have analysed this tables and I have created a VIEW:

test=*# create view view_table_ab as select a.id, a.value as value_a, b.value as value_b from table_a a left join table_b b on a.id=b.id;
CREATE VIEW                                                                                                                              

Okay, first test case without an index on table_b.id:

test=*# explain analyse select id, value_a from view_table_ab;
                                                         QUERY PLAN                                                          
 Hash Left Join  (cost=7532.53..28639.73 rows=250001 width=37) (actual time=183.941..603.520 rows=250001 loops=1)            
   Hash Cond: (a.id = b.id)                                                                                                  
   ->  Seq Scan on table_a a  (cost=0.00..12917.01 rows=250001 width=37) (actual time=36.073..125.789 rows=250001 loops=1)   
   ->  Hash  (cost=5047.68..5047.68 rows=156068 width=4) (actual time=147.752..147.752 rows=156068 loops=1)                  
         ->  Seq Scan on table_b b  (cost=0.00..5047.68 rows=156068 width=4) (actual time=0.019..72.371 rows=156068 loops=1) 
 Total runtime: 661.780 ms                                                                                                   
(6 rows)                                                                                                                     

Okay, as expected an seq-scan on table b. The plan doesn't change even if I create a non-unique index on table_b(id):

test=*# create index idx_table_b_id on table_b(id);
Time: 137,121 ms
test=*# explain analyse select id, value_a from view_table_ab;
                                                         QUERY PLAN
 Hash Left Join  (cost=5346.53..18120.73 rows=250001 width=37) (actual time=141.921..548.674 rows=250001 loops=1)
   Hash Cond: (a.id = b.id)
   ->  Seq Scan on table_a a  (cost=0.00..4584.01 rows=250001 width=37) (actual time=0.006..84.054 rows=250001 loops=1)
   ->  Hash  (cost=2861.68..2861.68 rows=156068 width=4) (actual time=141.856..141.856 rows=156068 loops=1)
         ->  Seq Scan on table_b b  (cost=0.00..2861.68 rows=156068 width=4) (actual time=0.005..66.048 rows=156068 loops=1)
 Total runtime: 607.385 ms
(6 rows)

Okay, let me drop this index and recreate it again, but with the unique-option, and re-run the select:

test=*# drop index idx_table_b_id;
Time: 16,038 ms
test=*# create unique index idx_table_b_id on table_b(id);
Time: 122,602 ms
test=*# explain analyse select id, value_a from view_table_ab;
                                                    QUERY PLAN
 Seq Scan on table_a a  (cost=0.00..4584.01 rows=250001 width=37) (actual time=0.007..74.825 rows=250001 loops=1)
 Total runtime: 130.887 ms
(2 rows)

Time: 131,348 ms

Nice. Well, I think, this feature isn't a big thing. The new version 9.0 contains a LOT of really big things, this one is just a optimisation. But it works and it is useful. Thanks to Robert Haas and Tom Lane for this feature.


Dienstag, 9. Februar 2010

Back from FOSDEM

Hi all,

I'm back from FOSDEM, Brussels. It was a great and impressive event and i meet there a lot of PostgreSQL-people. The talks given in our devroom were imposing, i have learned a LOT about our upcoming new release 9.0, in particular streaming replication, exclusion constraints and (with thanks to the talk given from Sergey Petrunya about MariaDB) join removal (the MariaDB calls this feature "table elimination" and after his talk i have discussed that feature with Stefan 'mastermind' Kaltenbrunner. He informed me that we have this feature in 9.0, but we called it 'join removal').

Okay, i don't want peeve you with my really poor english. Last but not least, i have made a lot of pictures. You can see almost all pictures here:


Not all pictures are in a reasonable quality, sorry. The pictures are reduced to 50%, if someone want individual pictures in full resolution, just ask me.

I'm looking forward to see you in Amsterdam...

Mittwoch, 23. Dezember 2009

Happy Xmas

select array_to_string(array_agg(chr(a[s])),'') "I wish you" from (
  select a, generate_series(1,array_length(foo.a,1)) s from (
    select array[72,97,112,112,121,32,88,109,97,115,33] as a
  ) foo
) bar;

Many thanks to all the people who developed and are developing PostgreSQL!

Sonntag, 15. November 2009

writeable CTE - a short performance test

Inspired by the talk from David Fetter and Mirko Tiikkaja performed on the PGDAY 2009 in Paris about writeable CTE i want to analyse a special aspect: minimizing I/O-operations with query clustering.

The talk shows an example that contains 7 tables: one person-table, 3 tables for details for a person (street, im and phone), which contains contact-data for the person, and 3 additional tables to map each person to multiple streets, im and phone.

Assumed, there are 2 entries for street, im and phone for a person, this results in 1 insert into the person-table, respectively 2 inserts into street, im and phone. In addition it needs 2 inserts for every joining-table.

With the new feature 'writeable CTE', the effort is reduced to single, (but complex) SQL-command, which contains - among others - all inserts. Of course, this procedure is complex.

In the following posting i want to analyse, if this single, complex command is faster than many simple traditional commands.

For this purpose i wrote 2 plpgsql-functions, which generate proper SQL-commands, one for the old style with many inserts
and one for the new syntax, both functions with exactly the same amount of data for the inserts.

Here are the two functions:

create or replace function fill_tables(IN c int, OUT sql text) returns text as $$
  c_im int;
  c_phone int;
  c_street int;
  count int;
  c_im:= 1 + strpos(md5(c::text),'a');
  c_phone := 1 + strpos(md5(c::text),'b');
  c_street := 1 + strpos(md5(c::text),'c');

  sql := E'INSERT INTO person (first_name, last_name, birthdate) VALUES (\'' ||
         md5(c::text) || E'\', \'' ||
         md5((c+1)::text) || E'\', \'' ||
         ('1970-01-01'::date + ('0' || regexp_replace(substring(md5((c)::text),0,8),'[^0-9]','','g'))::int * '1 minute'::interval)::date || E'\');\n';

  for count in 0 .. c_im loop
    sql := sql ||
           E'INSERT INTO im (provider, handle) VALUES (\'' ||
           md5((c+count)::text) || E'\',\'' || md5((c+count)::text) || E'\');\n';
    sql := sql ||
           E'INSERT INTO person_im(person_id, im_id) VALUES (' ||
  end loop;

  for count in 0 .. c_phone loop
    sql := sql ||
           E'INSERT INTO phone (country_code, phone_number, extension) VALUES (\'' ||
           md5((c+count)::text) || E'\',\'' || md5((c+count)::text) || E'\',\'' || md5((c+count)::text) || E'\');\n';

    sql := sql ||
           E'INSERT INTO person_phone(person_id, phone_id) VALUES (' ||
  end loop;

  for count in 0 .. c_street loop
    sql = sql ||
          E'INSERT INTO street (street1,city,state,country,post_code) VALUES (\'' ||
          md5((c+count)::text) || E'\',\'' ||
          md5((c+count)::text) || E'\',\'' ||
          md5((c+count)::text) || E'\',\'' ||
          md5((c+count)::text) || E'\',\'' ||
          md5((c+count)::text) || E'\');\n';
    sql := sql ||
          E'INSERT INTO person_street(person_id, street_id) VALUES (' ||
  end loop;
$$ language plpgsql volatile;


create or replace function fill_tables_new(IN c int, OUT sql text) returns text as $$
  c_im int;
  c_phone int;
  c_street int;
  count int;
  c_im:= 1 + strpos(md5(c::text),'a');
  c_phone := 1 + strpos(md5(c::text),'b');
  c_street := 1 + strpos(md5(c::text),'c');

  sql := E'WITH t_person AS (\n  ' ||
         E'INSERT INTO person (first_name, last_name, birthdate) VALUES (\n  \'' ||
         md5(c::text) || E'\', \'' ||
         md5((c+1)::text) || E'\', \'' ||
         ('1970-01-01'::date + ('0' || regexp_replace(substring(md5((c)::text),0,10),'[^0-9]','','g'))::int * '1 minute'::interval)::date || E'\') RETURNING id),\n

  sql := sql ||
         E't_im AS (INSERT INTO im (provider, handle) VALUES ';
  for count in 0 .. c_im loop
    sql := sql || E'\n  (\'' || md5((c+count)::text) || E'\',\'' || md5((c+count)::text) || E'\'),';
  end loop;
  sql := trim(sql,',');
  sql := sql || E' RETURNING id),\n';
  sql := sql || E't_person_im AS (INSERT INTO person_im SELECT * FROM t_person CROSS JOIN t_im),\n';

  sql := sql ||
         E't_phone AS (INSERT INTO phone (country_code, phone_number, extension) VALUES ';
  for count in 0 .. c_phone loop
    sql := sql || E'\n  (\'' || md5((c+count)::text) || E'\',\'' || md5((c+count)::text) || E'\',\'' || md5((c+count)::text) || E'\'),';
  end loop;
  sql := trim(sql,',');
  sql := sql || E' RETURNING id),\n';
  sql := sql || E't_person_phone AS (INSERT INTO person_phone SELECT * FROM t_person CROSS JOIN t_phone),\n';

  sql := sql ||
        E't_street AS (INSERT INTO street (street1, city, state, country, post_code) VALUES ';
  for count in 0 .. c_street loop
    sql := sql || E'\n  (\'' || md5((c+count)::text) || E'\',\'' ||
                                md5((c+count)::text) || E'\',\'' ||
                                md5((c+count)::text) || E'\',\'' ||
                                md5((c+count)::text) || E'\',\'' ||
                                md5((c+count)::text) || E'\'),';
  end loop;
  sql := trim(sql,',');
  sql := sql || E' RETURNING id),\n';
  sql := sql || E't_person_street AS (INSERT INTO person_street SELECT * FROM t_person CROSS JOIN t_street)\n';

  sql := sql || 'VALUES (true);';

$$ language plpgsql volatile;

And here the output of this functions (for example, for one person):

INSERT INTO person (first_name, last_name, birthdate) VALUES ('c4ca4238a0b923820dcc509a6f75849b', 'c81e728d9d4c2f636f067f89cc14862c', '1970-01-04');
 INSERT INTO im (provider, handle) VALUES ('c4ca4238a0b923820dcc509a6f75849b','c4ca4238a0b923820dcc509a6f75849b');
 INSERT INTO person_im(person_id, im_id) VALUES (currval('person_id_seq'),currval('im_id_seq'));
 INSERT INTO im (provider, handle) VALUES ('c81e728d9d4c2f636f067f89cc14862c','c81e728d9d4c2f636f067f89cc14862c');
 INSERT INTO person_im(person_id, im_id) VALUES (currval('person_id_seq'),currval('im_id_seq'));
 INSERT INTO im (provider, handle) VALUES ('eccbc87e4b5ce2fe28308fd9f2a7baf3','eccbc87e4b5ce2fe28308fd9f2a7baf3');
 INSERT INTO person_im(person_id, im_id) VALUES (currval('person_id_seq'),currval('im_id_seq'));
 INSERT INTO im (provider, handle) VALUES ('a87ff679a2f3e71d9181a67b7542122c','a87ff679a2f3e71d9181a67b7542122c');
 INSERT INTO person_im(person_id, im_id) VALUES (currval('person_id_seq'),currval('im_id_seq'));
 INSERT INTO im (provider, handle) VALUES ('e4da3b7fbbce2345d7772b0674a318d5','e4da3b7fbbce2345d7772b0674a318d5');
 INSERT INTO person_im(person_id, im_id) VALUES (currval('person_id_seq'),currval('im_id_seq'));
 INSERT INTO im (provider, handle) VALUES ('1679091c5a880faf6fb5e6087eb1b2dc','1679091c5a880faf6fb5e6087eb1b2dc');
 INSERT INTO person_im(person_id, im_id) VALUES (currval('person_id_seq'),currval('im_id_seq'));
 INSERT INTO phone (country_code, phone_number, extension) VALUES ('c4ca4238a0b923820dcc509a6f75849b','c4ca4238a0b923820dcc509a6f75849b','c4ca4238a0b923820dcc509a6f75849b');
 INSERT INTO person_phone(person_id, phone_id) VALUES (currval('person_id_seq'),currval('phone_id_seq'));
 INSERT INTO phone (country_code, phone_number, extension) VALUES ('c81e728d9d4c2f636f067f89cc14862c','c81e728d9d4c2f636f067f89cc14862c','c81e728d9d4c2f636f067f89cc14862c');
 INSERT INTO person_phone(person_id, phone_id) VALUES (currval('person_id_seq'),currval('phone_id_seq'));
 INSERT INTO phone (country_code, phone_number, extension) VALUES ('eccbc87e4b5ce2fe28308fd9f2a7baf3','eccbc87e4b5ce2fe28308fd9f2a7baf3','eccbc87e4b5ce2fe28308fd9f2a7baf3');
 INSERT INTO person_phone(person_id, phone_id) VALUES (currval('person_id_seq'),currval('phone_id_seq'));
 INSERT INTO phone (country_code, phone_number, extension) VALUES ('a87ff679a2f3e71d9181a67b7542122c','a87ff679a2f3e71d9181a67b7542122c','a87ff679a2f3e71d9181a67b7542122c');
 INSERT INTO person_phone(person_id, phone_id) VALUES (currval('person_id_seq'),currval('phone_id_seq'));
 INSERT INTO phone (country_code, phone_number, extension) VALUES ('e4da3b7fbbce2345d7772b0674a318d5','e4da3b7fbbce2345d7772b0674a318d5','e4da3b7fbbce2345d7772b0674a318d5');
 INSERT INTO person_phone(person_id, phone_id) VALUES (currval('person_id_seq'),currval('phone_id_seq'));
 INSERT INTO phone (country_code, phone_number, extension) VALUES ('1679091c5a880faf6fb5e6087eb1b2dc','1679091c5a880faf6fb5e6087eb1b2dc','1679091c5a880faf6fb5e6087eb1b2dc');
 INSERT INTO person_phone(person_id, phone_id) VALUES (currval('person_id_seq'),currval('phone_id_seq'));
 INSERT INTO phone (country_code, phone_number, extension) VALUES ('8f14e45fceea167a5a36dedd4bea2543','8f14e45fceea167a5a36dedd4bea2543','8f14e45fceea167a5a36dedd4bea2543');
 INSERT INTO person_phone(person_id, phone_id) VALUES (currval('person_id_seq'),currval('phone_id_seq'));
 INSERT INTO phone (country_code, phone_number, extension) VALUES ('c9f0f895fb98ab9159f51fd0297e236d','c9f0f895fb98ab9159f51fd0297e236d','c9f0f895fb98ab9159f51fd0297e236d');
 INSERT INTO person_phone(person_id, phone_id) VALUES (currval('person_id_seq'),currval('phone_id_seq'));
 INSERT INTO phone (country_code, phone_number, extension) VALUES ('45c48cce2e2d7fbdea1afc51c7c6ad26','45c48cce2e2d7fbdea1afc51c7c6ad26','45c48cce2e2d7fbdea1afc51c7c6ad26');
 INSERT INTO person_phone(person_id, phone_id) VALUES (currval('person_id_seq'),currval('phone_id_seq'));
 INSERT INTO phone (country_code, phone_number, extension) VALUES ('d3d9446802a44259755d38e6d163e820','d3d9446802a44259755d38e6d163e820','d3d9446802a44259755d38e6d163e820');
 INSERT INTO person_phone(person_id, phone_id) VALUES (currval('person_id_seq'),currval('phone_id_seq'));
 INSERT INTO phone (country_code, phone_number, extension) VALUES ('6512bd43d9caa6e02c990b0a82652dca','6512bd43d9caa6e02c990b0a82652dca','6512bd43d9caa6e02c990b0a82652dca');
 INSERT INTO person_phone(person_id, phone_id) VALUES (currval('person_id_seq'),currval('phone_id_seq'));
 INSERT INTO phone (country_code, phone_number, extension) VALUES ('c20ad4d76fe97759aa27a0c99bff6710','c20ad4d76fe97759aa27a0c99bff6710','c20ad4d76fe97759aa27a0c99bff6710');
 INSERT INTO person_phone(person_id, phone_id) VALUES (currval('person_id_seq'),currval('phone_id_seq'));
 INSERT INTO phone (country_code, phone_number, extension) VALUES ('c51ce410c124a10e0db5e4b97fc2af39','c51ce410c124a10e0db5e4b97fc2af39','c51ce410c124a10e0db5e4b97fc2af39');
 INSERT INTO person_phone(person_id, phone_id) VALUES (currval('person_id_seq'),currval('phone_id_seq'));
 INSERT INTO street (street1,city,state,country,post_code) VALUES ('c4ca4238a0b923820dcc509a6f75849b','c4ca4238a0b923820dcc509a6f75849b','c4ca4238a0b923820dcc509a6f75849b','c4ca4238a0b923820dcc509a6f75849b','c4ca4238a0b923820dcc509a6f75849b');
 INSERT INTO person_street(person_id, street_id) VALUES (currval('person_id_seq'),currval('street_id_seq'));
 INSERT INTO street (street1,city,state,country,post_code) VALUES ('c81e728d9d4c2f636f067f89cc14862c','c81e728d9d4c2f636f067f89cc14862c','c81e728d9d4c2f636f067f89cc14862c','c81e728d9d4c2f636f067f89cc14862c','c81e728d9d4c2f636f067f89cc14862c');
 INSERT INTO person_street(person_id, street_id) VALUES (currval('person_id_seq'),currval('street_id_seq'));
 INSERT INTO street (street1,city,state,country,post_code) VALUES ('eccbc87e4b5ce2fe28308fd9f2a7baf3','eccbc87e4b5ce2fe28308fd9f2a7baf3','eccbc87e4b5ce2fe28308fd9f2a7baf3','eccbc87e4b5ce2fe28308fd9f2a7baf3','eccbc87e4b5ce2fe28308fd9f2a7baf3');
 INSERT INTO person_street(person_id, street_id) VALUES (currval('person_id_seq'),currval('street_id_seq'));

And, with writeable CTE:

WITH t_person AS (
   INSERT INTO person (first_name, last_name, birthdate) VALUES (
   'c4ca4238a0b923820dcc509a6f75849b', 'c81e728d9d4c2f636f067f89cc14862c', '1970-01-31') RETURNING id),
 t_im AS (INSERT INTO im (provider, handle) VALUES
   ('1679091c5a880faf6fb5e6087eb1b2dc','1679091c5a880faf6fb5e6087eb1b2dc') RETURNING id),
 t_person_im AS (INSERT INTO person_im SELECT * FROM t_person CROSS JOIN t_im),
 t_phone AS (INSERT INTO phone (country_code, phone_number, extension) VALUES
   ('c51ce410c124a10e0db5e4b97fc2af39','c51ce410c124a10e0db5e4b97fc2af39','c51ce410c124a10e0db5e4b97fc2af39') RETURNING id),
 t_person_phone AS (INSERT INTO person_phone SELECT * FROM t_person CROSS JOIN t_phone),
 t_street AS (INSERT INTO street (street1, city, state, country, post_code) VALUES
   ('eccbc87e4b5ce2fe28308fd9f2a7baf3','eccbc87e4b5ce2fe28308fd9f2a7baf3','eccbc87e4b5ce2fe28308fd9f2a7baf3','eccbc87e4b5ce2fe28308fd9f2a7baf3','eccbc87e4b5ce2fe28308fd9f2a7baf3') RETURNING id),
 t_person_street AS (INSERT INTO person_street SELECT * FROM t_person CROSS JOIN t_street)
 VALUES (true);

First i created 2 sql-files with the output of my functions, each contains 10.000 rows for persons, in total for all tables 727104 rows.

kretschmer@tux:~/cte$ psql -X -t test -c "select fill_tables(s) from generate_series(1,10000) s;" > data_old.sql
kretschmer@tux:~/cte$ psql -X -t test -c "select fill_tables_new(s) from generate_series(1,10000) s;" > data_new.sql
kretschmer@tux:~/cte$ ls -l data*
-rw-r--r-- 1 kretschmer kretschmer  51113563 Nov 13 18:43 data_new.sql
-rw-r--r-- 1 kretschmer kretschmer 102391561 Nov 13 18:43 data_old.sql
The file with the new syntax is just half the size. Okay, lets rock'n'roll, my 8.5devel is listening on port 5434, i'm using the default configuration on a quadcore with 4 GByte RAM, the operating system is Ubuntu. I'm executing the files with the following command(s):
time /usr/local/pgsql/bin/psql -X -p 5434 -h localhost test -f data_old.sql

real    9m2.466s
user    0m10.789s
sys     0m11.357s
time /usr/local/pgsql/bin/psql -X -p 5434 -h localhost test -f data_new.sql

real    0m34.294s
user    0m1.620s
sys     0m0.528s
Very impressive, isn't it? (i know, i could optimize both versions with prepared statements etc.) I hope, the upcoming 8.5 will contain this feature. This feature has a small disadvantage: it's not portable, since no other RDBMS knows about writable CTE! Many thanks to all the people who developed and are developing PostgreSQL!

Montag, 12. Oktober 2009

alternating sort order

I know, i'm lazy, i haven't written new blog-entries for a long, long time.

Someone ask in the german Postgresql-Forum: how can i sort in alternating order?

Okay, after some hours i found this solution:

Image, you have this table:

test=*# select * from foo;
(10 rows)

And now my solution:

test=# with
f1 as (
select i, row_number() over (order by i)::float as nr from foo limit (select count(*) from foo)/2),
f2 as (
select i, row_number() over()::float+0.5 from (
select i from foo offset (select count(*) from foo)/2)x
select * from f1 union select * from f2 order by nr;
i | nr
1 | 1
6 | 1.5
2 | 2
7 | 2.5
3 | 3
8 | 3.5
4 | 4
9 | 4.5
5 | 5
10 | 5.5
(10 rows)

The first subquery returns the first half of the table with a new numbering column, starting
with 1 increment by 1.
The second returns the other half. Because the row_number() - function would start with the
offset, i have moved the row_number() function out of this subquery and created a other subquery around, to start my row_number with 1. After that, i added 0.5 to this (of course, i have to cast the int to a float to do that)

Yeah, now i'm able to sort in alternating order.

And yes, sorry about my bad english...
